

CKeditor tabletools configuration

CKeditor is a great tools set in HTML CMS. It document is clear and simple.

Tabletools is a extension for table, for "table" plugin, Ckeditor get this:

Tabletools plugin get this:
a right click in the unit cell of table, can modify structure of table.
It also can control cell properties like types color.

The install dependence is following list:


  • table
  • tabletools
  • contextmenu
  • menu
  • floatpanel
  • panel
it like a support chain, but after we install all of them in a simple Ckeditor, the table menu button disappear from the panel menu. all step is this:
install plugins file to ./ckeditor/plugins, include table, tabletools, contextmenu, menu, floatpanel, panel
modify ckeditor.js in :
extraPlugins:"", --> extraPlugins:"table",extraPlugins:"tabletools",extraPlugins:"contextmenu".....
Finally, add all plugins folder to plugins, and only two configuration items are needed:


Drupal 8 CKeditor Extend's plugins install: colorbutton

ColorButton Module in Drupal is used for add two button in CKeditor editing interface, it can contral the content font show in color and both the font back ground color.

Open Source is like nightmare, we thought we can get open mind, but it actually like another human nightmare: democracy. a lot of open source modules in Drupal lake good documents, what you can do is Guess.

If you following the usually way to install a Module in Drupal 8 for Ckeditor's plugin, it doesn't work.
CKeditor in Drupal 8 is default become a core module, now the interface in Drupal 8 called extend, the CKeditor has itself plugins, so you know they use the similar word to express the similar logic, how you can keep understand what they said? :)

The logical is like this

Drupal 8  -->  extend(module) --> Ckeditor --> plugin --> colorbutton

this is just a beginning.

If you install Drupal 8 module: Colorbutton(link), it will ask you install another depend module: Panel Button (link), that's usually Drupal style, after you install both modules and config them in CKeditor, to drag the control button to the running environment, you will get a wrong editor interface when you try edit a article or another thing. it's because the configuration is not finish.

The Drupal Colorbutton module page tell you should install a plugin in this address:
that's the same name, but that's CKeditor's plugin, if you read Ckeditor help to want to install this Ckeditor plugin, it doesn't work anymore, the filename are all different, so we continue to guess...

the CKeditor's plugin Colorbutton give the install address: siteaddress/ckeditor/plugin..., in Drupal 8, you can't find the path, the Drupal module Colorbutton said to install in /libaries/, there isn't a path in Drupal site also, but from the error message in Javascript, we have to create a folder libraries in Drupal web site root, and copy the CKeditor's plugin Colorbutton file to there:
Drupal site root/libraries/colorbutton

and this plugin prompt should install another plugin Floating Panel (link), so another ckeditor plugin
Drupal site root/libraries/floatpanel

the Drupal depend module Panel Button is also need a same CKeditor plugin:
Drupal site root/libraries/panelbutton

It doesn't finish, the error still there, because we don't know how to config the 5 plugins each other,  from the Javascript error message, find the file(also from a article) , find the file:
\core\assets\vendor\ckeditor\ckeditor.js, find the item extraplugins:"", modify it like this:
extraPlugins:"colorbutton",extraPlugins:"floatpanel",extraPlugins : "panelbutton",
It works!

to install a Drupal module, you should:

  • install two Drupal Modules following:
    ColorButton, Panel Button in this path
    Drupal root/modules/
  • install three CKeditor plugins following:
    ColorButton, PanelButton, FloatingPanel in this path
    Drupal root/libraries/
  • config enable two Drupal modules, Config Ckeditor interface to use the two buttons
    Drupal admin/manage/extend
    Drupal admin/manage/Configuration/ckeditor ...(according you plan, like Full HTML)
  • config ckeditor plugins here:
others? maybe something is not needed, who know that?
The logical maybe like this:
The logical is like this

Drupal 8  -->  extend(module) --> Ckeditor --> plugin --> colorbutton
D8-extend->Colorbutton<--PanelButton (D8 module)
                             |                       |
            ColorButton Plugin   PanelButton Plugin (CKeditor Plugin)
                   FloatingPanel Plugin


DCDIAG.EXE /E or /A or /C expected: DC could not be queried error 0x6ba

When two DC replication failed, dcdiag will find the error.

Show like this:

   The event log File Replication Service on server
         dcdiag-2008.margiestravel.com could not be queried, error 0x6ba
         "The RPC server is unavailable."


RPC server doesn't work well.
1 the service don't running
2 the firewall block the service


1 start the service
2 enable the firewall in Boundin for these three item:

  • Remote Event Log Management (NP-In)
  • Remote Event Log Management (RPC)
  • Remote Event Log Management (RPC-EPMAP)


Config Dlink router for second LAN

I can't use my D-link DIR-845L to support my second LAN, the second LAN as a test behind the default LAN, there is a router between the two LANs.

Dlink configuration /advance /route
can't let you define static route in a LAN interface, so router can't response the second LAN ping, also the first lan work well, the second LAN can't reach Internet.

this article give a amazing  solution, change the html form source and make it happened:

my Router is Dlink DIR-845L, the change option is like this:
the default code:
<select id="inf_1" style="width: 150px;" default="1" modified="false">

<option value="WAN-1">WAN  (x.x.x.x)</option>
change to
<select id="inf_1" style="width: 150px;" default="1" modified="false">

<option value="WAN-1">WAN  (x.x.x.x)</option>
<option value="LAN-1">LAN  (</option>
and it worked also.


Drupal 7 show google DOC

Drupal 7 show google DOC

Try some google documents modules to show Google documents in Drupal, but they don't work.

This is a simple way to show types google documents in Drupal 7 web site, we don't need two much modules or code to finish it, I write this because I forgot why I can do it before, take sometime I find the solution:
this is running in Drupal 7.50 core version

  1. install a module: (https://www.drupal.org/project/custom_formatters) custom_formatters
    the current version:custom_formatters-7.x-2.4.zip(this is for windows Drupal7)
  2. install another module:Token (token),this is not require by custom_formatters module installation, but the configuration in custom_formatters depend on this module.
  3. in the custom_fomatters module list, configuration(also you can find this configuration in structure/formatters)
  4. add a new formatter settings, use this code:
    <iframe width="[node:field_doc_width]" height="[node:field_doc_hight]" src="https://docs.google.com/file/d/[node:field_google_document_id]/preview"></iframe>
    you can use title: google-doc, format:HTML+Tokens
  5. update or add a new content type, include 3 fields with the name in the No.4 code
    field_doc_width /int
    field_doc_high /int
    field_google_document_id /text
  6. in the content type edit menu, display manage, the field_google_document_id format change to the custom format just create: google-doc
  7. add a new content in this content type, put the google article id (example:0B5F_qaK8bYV3bGNFd1pOYXJmbVU)in field_google_document_id, input width and hight and it works.

windows 10 can't boot, partition type, sata mode, repair tools version

I don't really understand the new GPT, WINDOWS 10, 8, UEFI, they come new with new hardware, but they made some problem for my PCs, I found google search can't give good solution to usually users, I try write this article to help anyone(myself) to deal with your situation, I can't give your a one by one step solution, but give you some idea to help you think about you situation.

two of my computer can't boot recently, I viewed this article give me some understanding,
An operating system wasn’t found” error  when booting Windows

but this article make a simple mistake in this command:
bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s m: /f UEFI

before this command, another command is

assign letter=r:  (in diskpart command status)

so the m: should be r:

bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s r: /f UEFI

otherwise you can't successfully to follow this article.
My PC's problem is not same with this article, but it give me some ideas.

so if someone you can't boot you PC after you install Win8 or Win 10, try to check your situation in following items:

1 what your BIOS is,  the key part is SATA boot MODE: UEFI OR UEFI+LEGACY 
2 what you hard driver is, the newer SATA OR Legacy 80G SATA
3 How many HDs you mixed in you PCs, in my situation, I test use few disks, so I should really care for what disk be used to boot, what type SATA MODE should be setup
4 what OS you just install, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10? I use a Win PE 5.1 to repair the boot following that article mentioned before, the BCD file size is different, so I believe PE 5.1 is come from Win 8, but my OS in PC is Win 10, so my situation is not same with this article. actually, here is two thing you should think about, what type your OS is, what type is you repair WinPE is, maybe you use not Win PE, but care for this, it make different boot file, Win 8 Boot maybe not works in Win 10 PC
5 what disk partition type is, GPT or MBR

I don't make more explaining, I show my situation to help you deal with your situation:
I use a old 80G SATA to install a new Win 10 in my more power PC, the first mistake I didn't unplug another disk with windows 2003, this lead my all documents file in win2003 disappeared, why Microsoft is always make mistake to users? 
I should remember:
Backup is the first thing when you try some new thing that come from Microsoft, the new thing  just can come from God.
The new Win 10 can't boot when few days when I adjust the boot order, right now I know the problem is I should setup the SATA MODE in UEFI, because my old SATA 80 G in GPT partition model, I think this should be new tech following another new tech, the solution just setup the SATA MODE to UEFI is enough, but I believed the old SATA has some boot file problem, so I following the article to rebuild the BCD file, that make another mistake.

Finally I found the problem is not BCD file, I just delete the new BCD, rename the BCD.BAK to BCD,  after the SATA MODE is UEFI, it boot again.
Again, when you have problem in boot you PC after you new installation OS, check the following item:
REPAIR BOOT CD type: win PE5.1 win pe 10...
usually like this:
if you boot to old OS like windows xp, you sata should be IDE or legacy
if you boot to new win 10, you hd should be in GPT and you SATA should be in AHCI or UEFI
don't busy to repair your system, try to modify bios first